Thursday, October 3, 2013
Everyday Culture: On Local and Popular Culture
Hearing those two words, ‘Everyday’ and ‘Culture’, mentioned together, at first I felt it was rather redundant, as initially I thought the everyday, by which I meant the things we do in our everyday life, was already an inseparable part of culture, one of the elements that made up a culture, and therefore by just mentioning the word ‘culture’ alone, I felt it was already sufficient. Then I realized my initial thought was, while not necessarily wrong, only true to certain extent. And as I delved further into the subject of Everyday Culture, I found many of my preconception ideas about my daily life being reconstructed, as I learned that the things that I used to take for granted was actually products of carefully constructed systems. So Far, I am most fascinated by the concept of ideology as explained in Martin’s book.
In his book, Martin states that ideology is the network of ideas and beliefs through which culture and its members order, represent and make sense of reality (Martin, 2003:17). In short, ideology is our way of making sense of our reality. I have to say, this definition is quite enlightening to me, as I used to understand ideology as something abstract, an idea that felt so far beyond my reach it might as well be untouchable. That was mainly because the most I heard the word ‘ideology’ was usually from the television, and the ones who uttered it were politically-inclined-people, such as members of the government body, or legislative representatives. While it was also true that ideology as an idea was included in High School textbook material, the fact that the concept itself was only mentioned, and not explained, certainly did not help my understanding. From the time I was just an Elementary School student, all the way through High School and even in certain subjects in University, I’ve been told over and over that as an Indonesian, my ideology is—or, more correctly, has to be—Pancasila. Honestly, as I understood it at the time, ideology was the underlying reason we did what we did, the invisible force that made us do anything. By that logic, as an Indonesian, it meant that Pancasila should have been the reason for everything I did. But I felt rather disconnected, since I did not think the things I did actually had much to do with Pancasila at all. That also made me feel that maybe, I did not have an ideology after all, since I thought that Pancasila was a set of rules, a set of perfect ideals that I could not live up to. I also started to think that since Pancasila was quite hard to live up to, that maybe Pancasila was just there only as a concept, and was actually quite useless in practice—which, in effect, made me think that ideology was also just that: a set of ideas, and nothing more.
One of the reason I find Martin’s concept, where ideology acts as something that grounds everything we think, do and say (2003:22) fascinating is precisely because he offers how ideology is invisible, how the subjects of ideology themselves may not realize it, and how, basically, it would be quite improbable to be without an ideology. I think, the way Martin explains it, ideology is something that we unconsciously absorb through continuous exposure through various mediums. I say unconsciously here, because we may not always be aware of the underlying ideology in the things we are exposed to in our everyday life. Take for example, the advertisements for women’s beauty product such as Pond’s ™. While the advertisement forms and plots may differ from time to time, all those advertisements have the same underlying concept: that unless you have white, clear skin, you would not be able to attract men. Those advertisements also seem to suggest that women would only try to fix or beautify themselves in order to get men to notice them. On the surface, these advertisements are only trying to convince you to buy their products; but on the other side, the choice of models, fashion styles as well as storylines may contribute to the overall ideology presented in the final products, which sometimes, could be wholly different from the product’s concept altogether. I also belief that even the products’ promoter themselves may not be fully aware of the ideology behind their advertisements. Of course, this is only one of the examples of how an ideology could not always be found on the surface, that you may have to look closer in order to see it at all. It should also be noted that our background, be it social or educational, would affect the ideology that we think we perceive.
Ideology is, according to Martin (2003), a way for us to make sense of our reality. In my opinion, when you are trying to promote an ideology, it is better to promote it in the subtle way, just like Pond’s ™ advertisements I briefly illustrated above, rather than by forcefully feeding it, like the way the ideology of Pancasila has been shoved down our throats since we were little. At least in my experience, despite the fact that I’ve been exposed to Pancasila for most of my life, I only feel detachment and disconnection when I hear or read the word Pancasila, when it actually should have made me feel nationalistic, like it (perhaps) originally intended.
Martin, F. (2003). Interpreting Everyday Culture. London: Edward Arnold Ltd.
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